2021 – Seven Grants $220,000

Ada Soil & Water Conservation District: Treasure Valley Pollinator Project — $20,000 The Treasure Valley Pollinator Project will plant 64,000 flowering species specifically chosen for encouraging pollinators, and provide education to thousands of community members about what makes a pollinator habitat successful. Funds will support a part-time entomologist to provide field day education, assist in pollinator…

2019 – Eight Grants $291,917

Cascade School District #422: Creating Positive School Culture — $25,000 In response to student need, the Cascade School District has embarked on a mission to transform school culture by engaging families to create better mental health outcomes and ensure long lasting change. This grant will fund social emotional learning programs, facilitator costs and engagement programs…

2018 – Six Grants $173,600

Jannus/Refugee Speakers Bureau: Community Building through Story – $30,000 Jannus will bring The Moth storytelling program to Boise for a community event to leverage the power of storytelling to build community, hire a coordinator to continue the development of cultural events and partnerships and to expand the Refugee Speakers Bureau to advance understanding between the…

2017 – Six Grants $161,500

Bee City USA Garden City: Garden City Pollinator Habitat – $21,500 Garden City Pollinator Habitat will call attention to the serious threats to pollinators and inspire people to take action. In a beautiful garden, visitors will learn about bees, watch them work in wooden bee houses and learn how to help them. Boise Contemporary Theater: The MakeSpace…

2016 – Five Grants $150,000 and One Above & Beyond Grant $40,000

Treasure Valley Food Coalition: Boise Farmers Market Mobile Unit — $30,000 Our food system has an enormous impact on the environment. Local farmers using sustainable farming practices can help mitigate environmental degradation, but only if they have markets for their produce. Many consumers, especially those of low income, find it difficult to access these foods.…